Code of Conduct for Wellman Administration Spokes people

Much has been said over the years from the White House podium by White House Spokespeople that leaves a lot to be desired. Whether Republican or Democrat administrations, the common perception is that the White House Spokesperson, and those of the other departments, are just at the podium to deliver the Administration’s latest dodge, obfuscation, “spin”, or some broadside against the opposition party. That has to stop. The spokespeople or the White House and other cabinet level departments have spokespeople because, and this is a shocker for some, WE WORK FOR YOU, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. You deserve to know what your government is doing in your name, and everything is in your name. Now I readily agree that the modern American Media is woeful in their own conduct regarding truthful reporting of FACT not OPINION. But that doesn’t change the fact that journalists in the media are protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution and are a medium for getting right and proper information out to the American people. Admittedly, it is from the viewpoint of a potential Wellman Administration and of one-third of the Federal Government. The legislative and Judicial branches may have differing opinions of what is stated by the Executive Branch and they are within their rights to express it.

That said, here is how a would-be Wellman Administration will conduct itself:

  1. Whoever the person at the podium is represents the President and the American People, and they will conduct themselves as a worthy representative. This would include myself during press conferences, while delivering remarks, or during interviews. This means there will be no verbal attacks on political opponents, no “pot shots” or other snide comments. Press engagements will always be about getting information out to the American People they need and have a right to know. I will have a professional and respected Press operation and will work with all press outlets to get the truth, facts and data to the People.
  2. Spokespeople are there to inform the people not dodge uncomfortable questions. If the spokesperson cannot answer a question, the reason will be stated (“that is under investigation”, “answering that may have national security implications, so we are not commenting on that”). If the spokesperson doesn’t know the answer, the spokesperson will “get back” to the questioner with an answer within the following 48 hours.
  3. I, as President, will conduct a press conference from the Brady Room on the first Friday of every month (or as holiday or travel schedule permits). If its not on Friday, it will occur that first week. The presser will last 1 hour and, this is important, will start on time. Nothing is more frustrating than to be left waiting, even more so when the Chief Executive Officer is the one causing the waiting. If an emergency occurs, that explanation will be provided and the date moved.
  4. The White House will obtain and release the unedited interviews conducted by me or the Vice-President and will be posted at as a condition for conducting the interview. I appreciate the constraints of time that broadcast journalists operate under. However, the American People deserve to hear the unedited version. It would be my intent to publish that unedited content (or slightly edited to remove extraneous conversation not relevant to the interview) immediately following the airing of such interviews.
  5. We will always speak the truth with the data to support claims and assertions. Data backing up claims will be published with interviews or press briefings.

Social media use will be coordinated and releases will be vetted for clarity and is factual with citations for all postings.